Acupuncture with Cupping Therapy
Service Description
Cupping therapy can improve blood flow, remove stagnation, reduce muscle pain, increase the immune response, and induce the parasympathetic nervous system to create a wonderful relaxed feeling. It is especially good for recovering from a cold, pain reduction due to stagnation or overuse of muscles. Just ask Michael Phelps! This is a returning acupuncture treatment with the added service of cupping therapy that is an hour and 15 minute session. An initial first time intake appointment is required. Bruising does occur and your acupuncturist will provide details and answer any questions.
Cancellation Policy
Please provide 24 hours notice of the need to cancel or reschedule. Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will be charged a $25 cancellation fee. Thank you for your consideration!
Contact Details
60 Prospect Street, Waltham, MA, USA